Our Life

Jeff and I met at a BBQ restaurant. We were married 4 years later and have one beautiful baby girl, Brooklyn. We are silly people just trying to make it in this world! We love each other to the max and would not have it any other way!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 4th

Hello again. So we have had a busy summer already!!! Lauren has been gone what seems like all summer heheheh. We miss her and all the other Gonzali. Our pool is done and we have been hermits since. hahaha. We love it. We have been working and loving life in AZ. I was watching "Bethenny getting married" tonight and thinking about our wedding. And how we will have been married 3 years on the 18th of this month. We have come so far and experienced so very much. I love my husband more than the day I married him. He is a better father than I ever come have imagined!!!!! To see him and Brooklyn interact makes me want to cry. They are 2 peas in a pod!!!! He is so very good with her. I wish Rita was here to see this!!! She would be so proud. He does things he doesn't want to do and things he never thought he would do. He is an amazing man and I am glad to know him and to have married him!!!!! We celebrate the 1st, but I will never forget our 1st marriage. hahahah With no rings and only LOVE to keep us together( oh yeah and a baby brewing). He was amazing then and is still amazing today. He always surprises me and never lets me down. I love you my sweetheart. I wish all f you could enjoy our new pool, but for now we will enjoy it for everyone!!! With all our love!
Until next time....

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hello again. So our pool is almost complete. We are so very excited!!!! We are ready to relax in the cool water. It is so very hot here!!! We are still very busy with work, but at least we have jobs!!! Jeff has been getting overtime so that's always good news. Brooklyn is talking up a storm and getting bigger by the day! We have a cruise scheduled for the beginning of November. We are going to 2 Mexican destinations and we are stoked. That's about all for now next time I will try to post pictures of our new back yard!!!
Jeff and Kris

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hello... So I cannot seem to keep up with my blog!!! I am positive it is because I don't like to type on my iphone. Otherwise I would also do this on my iphone. So we have been through alot these past couple of months. We will soon be trying for another baby. Brooklyn is getting so very big. And our pool will begin next week. I just got back from a wonderful to Cancun. And Jeff just got back from a DJ trip in Dallas. Jeff is finally being asked to play for money which is amazing and is his dream. Also, his label is doing very well in my opinion. The whole family will be out next week for Lauren's graduation so that should be a fun time!!!!!! I cannot believe Lauren is graduating college I remember when I met her and she was in 11th grade!!!! We are so very proud of her. Jeff had a good birthday and is another year older! Well that's about it for now. I will try to get better at this!!!!!! Until next time...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

We're back!

Finally we are back. In all honesty I forgot all about my blog until my father in law reminded me. Thank you to John! Life is good right now. Kristina got a full time job at Banner a big hospital corporation here in AZ. And Jeff is working at Fry's (Kroger) in the fuel center until he can transfer to the pharmacy to be a pharmacy tech. brooklyn is getting so very big these days. She talks sooooo much! Yet she is still very shy. We finally moved into our new home and love every minute of it. Our pool we begin soon and then we will have a backyard to be proud of. I cannot say it enough life is good!!!!!! I cannot believe how far we have come since a year ago. We are expecting our second child in november. We finally agreed it was time. I can't wait to find out the sex and start decorating. I will try to get on here more often and fill you guys in. Miss all of you!!!!! And until next time......
Jeff and Kristina